" It's not gonna happen and that breaks my greasy heart"
- Guillermo del Toro
It's always sad to hear of game cancellations, definitely one with so much potential!
I'm CRAZY about video games.I have just about all the old game systems. I'm not a fan boy of any one game systems,I have learn that they all have some very good games and some very bad games. Chill out if I give a game a 9.5 out of (-10 to 10)(I never really give a game a 10(there is no 100% perfect game) My email laspace1999@Gmail.com replace the G with a g(please crazy people stay away! LOL)
They are still going to make a Silent Hill but this version is gone because all of them are acting like little children! So the company don't want any part of Hideo Kojima,so they would have to start it all over again.. Don't worry they will make the game.So there is my take on things. Plus Hideo Kojima just started making the game.So I hope things would restart soon.Remember lots of time was used up to make the PT thing.The Trailer above show some of the game play from the game itself. How come old people act more child like than most of the kids. The Kids would had solve this and move on...