I'm CRAZY about video games.I have just about all the old game systems. I'm not a fan boy of any one game systems,I have learn that they all have some very good games and some very bad games. Chill out if I give a game a 9.5 out of (-10 to 10)(I never really give a game a 10(there is no 100% perfect game)
My email laspace1999@Gmail.com
replace the G with a g(please crazy people stay away! LOL)
At first I was going to do it with the history of all the Battlefield and COD but after awhile we decide to simplfily it and just do the review on the COD and Battlefield.Its almost done..Unless I change my mind and put the history of the game back..You never know what I would do!
Was number 1 and 2 supossed to be review a few week ago?
ReplyDeleteAt first I was going to do it with the history of all the Battlefield and COD but after awhile we decide to simplfily it and just do the review on the COD and Battlefield.Its almost done..Unless I change my mind and put the history of the game back..You never know what I would do!