Monday, December 29, 2014

Please Vote on Game of the Year(update)

We only have 3 votes so far and really want more! I added some more time on the survey so hopefully we can break some ties.

Here's how the survey is looking so far:

Game of the year

Call of duty Advanced Warfare- 1 vote
The Evil Within- 1 vote
Destiny-1 vote
Dragon Age Inquisition-1 vote

Best Shooter

Wolfenstein The New Order-1 vote
Destiny-3 votes

Best Remastered game

The Last of Us- 1 vote
GTAV-2 votes
Tomb Raiser-1 vote

Best Multiplayer game

Destiny-2 votes
COD Advanced Warfare-2votes

Best Action Adventure

The Evil Within- 1 vote
Infamous Second Son-3 votes

Best Xbox Exclusive

Sunset Overdrive-2 votes
Master Chief Collection-2 votes

Best PlayStation Exclusive

Little Big Planet 3- 1 vote
Infamous Second Son-2 votes
Last of Us Remastered-1 vote

Best Wii U Exclusive

Mario Cart 8- 1vote
Super Smash Bros Wii U- 1 vote

Biggest Letdown

Assassins Creed Unity-2 votes
Thief- 2 votes

Most Anticipated

Uncharted 4 A Thief's End-3 votes
Quantum Break-1 vote

I extended the survey to 1/7/14 so please vote for you favorite(lest favorite) games. If you don't then AlbertO will have to be the tie breaker and you don't want that!