The Walking Dead All that Remains Review
This is the continuation of Telltales award winning Walking Dead series. In Season 2 you play as Clementine, because we all know what happened to Lee, hopefully. Clementine is really different know that she is grown up. She is not afraid to do anything to survive, and you real have to make some hard choices. That's the best thing about playing as Clementine; you get to define her character. Some choices are those from a sweet little girl but others are more violent so you really get to change her character. And you are going to do some violent things in this episode... and that's another positive! The choices are as hard as usual but maybe even harder with the new character. You don't really get attached to the new characters except for a few. But you can tell that they are going to play a big role in the future. They each have different personalities and there are some you just hate. So, basically just like the last one. The story was not as strong as past episodes but it was still good. The main problem is that you did not really know where the story was going. At the beginning you are just wandering through the woods without a really knowing what the story is. But, it will pick up and when you meet the group and hopefully you will learn more about these people in the future. The best part is Clementine, she is really a great character even better then Lee in my opinion. The game still lags like the first one and I was hoping they would fix that! But the voice acting is spot on, and the way everyone moves seems more real. It is still very frightened and you will be on the edge of your seat definitely during the button smashing segments. This is not the best episode but it still isn't a step down. The first episode of season 2 gets a.... 8.5
What did you think of season 2 so far? Did you agree with us?
I Love the first game but I didn't get this one let. I still playing GTA maybe after while.
ReplyDeleteI like it and look forwarded to more!
ReplyDeleteI was expecting more. A little longer story.But it was ok.
ReplyDeleteI love this game. I hope the new story is coming soon. Please don't make us wait
ReplyDeleteMore now ! More now! Come on
ReplyDeleteDo you'll know when the next chapter come out?
ReplyDeleteThere is rape in the comic do you think they should have it on the tv show and video game?
ReplyDeleteI was going to do a essay but I tell you now if they do a rape shot on the TV show or video game I would never watch the show again and I telling the answer to yours question is hell NO! The Tv show producer had when on the record saying there would be no rapes on the tv show which I agree with. Doing a Tv show and video game is different than doing a graphic novel . Doing a violent show on a graphic novel is easy all you have to do is draw it but it just different doing it on a TV show where real people have to do it, and on video games they aren't going to do it because they don't want to have any of that stuff on their video game which I agree with remember some very young kids play these game even if the rating on the game are M.Just listen to many of the young kids playing COD or battlefield and we all know that these kids as to young for the game because both game are rated M. I think most parents just buy the games for the kids not know what on some games. But back to your question that is a big NO and hell no!
DeletePlus one more thing the show producer had when on the record because someone ask the same question and they had said no there would be no rape on the TV show. Come dude do you really want to view that kind of stuff on your TV? What ? I better stop now.
I just said if they even put such stuff on 1 of my favorite TV shows I would stop watching the show and so would about 98% of the rest of the people that watch the show.OHNO another essay stop that AlbertO
I agree! Video game don't need to show a rape,in fact most game don't need that BS in the game. As far as the TV show, No way. What the hell is wrong with that dude? There is a dumb ass on just about every web site you go too!
DeleteNo rape in the video game or tv show because AMC doesn't want to cause people the leave their high rating show.Even time they show The Walking Dead it get over 10 million viewer.
ReplyDeleteJust because they do rape in the novel because they can but on TV and Video game they are more control and believe it not most people don't want to see rape.
Ok the dude have the right to asked a question.Just because Carl is almost rape in the novel doesn't meant they should do it on the TV show plus as you know they are on a different story path and this is good it keep people coming back for more.
Back to the game I need more story DLC when are they going to add more?
You can't be Albert0 .Only Albert0 can be Albert0. But I agree no rapes on TWD or video game. Now for a graphic novel they have more room to do stuff.They control TV to much because the government is worry that adult can't handle them showing like a shirtless women or that dumb superbowl show where that guy rips off that women to show her breast (I love breast ) then make a big deal and they also censor the show you watch like Breaking Bad where the blip out Jesse said Fuck.words that everybody knows,just listen to teen talking that already know the word FUCK. I believe in a free tv system where they allow for adult stuff and I believe some people will pay for it just to get the government out of one of our daily stuff.
DeleteI believe Carl should have his ass whipped! We need more DLC for this game. Maybe I should waited like I did for the last one so I can just get every thing on the DVD.