Call of Duty Black Ops 2
They just released the multiplayer trailer and it looks awesome with all sorts of futuristic weaponry. We have the trailer up if you want to take a look! They also have some info on zombies like having two teams going agianst each other in the zombie mode. There will be doubled the amount of players and zombies so that means eight people can play at once! I cant wait to hear more info about this game and please comment and tells us what you think.
Battlefield 4
Dice has announced that they are working on battlefield 4 and it will be set in the present day. They also said that they haven't given up on the Bad Company series!
Playstation All Stars Battle Royale
Superbot has changed the release date because they need more time to make the game perfect. Lets hope it actually does come out perfect! The new date is November 20th, 2012. We have also changed this on our release date post.
Here is all the characters that has been announced so far for this game:
There are many other characters that are going to be in the game so who do you want? Do you think this game will be worth the wait or turn out horrible? Comment and tell us what you think.
We have a idea about a new post letting you vote via comments. We will have more info soon.Since I just got a ps vita there will be reviews of Gravity Rush and Uncharted Golden Abysis coming up. Please comment about this post and anything else. We always want feedback about how the blog can be improved, posts you would like us to do, and etc.
Good for impovements for the zombis in Black Ops! I prefer Battle game on the Nintendos system!What happen to Batman on the battle royal game!
ReplyDeleteThats a good idea i would love to see batman a playable character. Also maybe etzio from assassins creed
DeleteYes Battlefield