The Lego games were always good so most likely this one would be good too. And it is, not just good but maybe my favorite Lego game that I have played. But there is a fer downfalls. For the first time, the characters can speak! At first i was like OH NO!! because i thought they would fail at voice acting being the first time. I was wrong the voice acting is excellent. The story is also good for a Lego game thats not based on a movie. Its not spectacular but it real keep you interested. The highlight of the story is the humor. It is actually very funny and the jokes are appropriate for all ages. Each character is funny in there own way but probably my favorite is how superman and batman interact. Each mission is different and they make you think a little. There are also some really cool moments like fighting a gigantic joker robot. There are secrets hidden in each mission including 10 hidden minikits which unlock vehicles. Some may seem impossible but don't worry there is a way and if you want to be lazy just look at youtube! A lot of thinks can only be found with different characters and thats why you can go back and play the missions on free play. This way you can be any character you have unlocked. Speaking of characters the game is called DC super hero's for a reason. The joker and lex Luther team up so batman needs the justice leagues help. You can play as super man, wonder women, cyborg, flash and much much more. There are a whole lot of characters to unlock. Most of them are different from one another but some ,just a few, are just like skins and it disappointed you after you buy them for 125,000 studs. For example hush is exactly the same as 2 face. If you are playing this game may i recommend finding the stud multiplyer. You can get 1 million or more studs just for one mission. This makes buying characters and vehicles a lot easier. For the first time it has free roam in between missions in Gotham city and i really enjoy this. It is most fun when you beat the campaign and unlock free play for free roam. Also it is fun to free roam with friends using split screen. The map is actually really big and there is much to do. You can find villain's around the map and if you beat them you have the option to buy them. The fights are disappointing and they did not put much effort in them. You can find characters like Clayface, Catwomen, Sinestro, and even Brainiac and general Zod. You could find red and gold bricks around Gotham. Gold bricks let you unlock special characters like hawkman and martian manhunter. Red bricks give you extras like the stud multiplyer. Then of course you can just explore Gotham. If you are a flying character it is fun to fly around Gotham. Except when you hover the controls may get frustrating. Also the camera messes up sometimes especially when playing split screen on a mission. The map is OK but when you set a waypoint it is hard to follow th "!" to get to the waypoint. One last complaint is that the bosses on free roam may just disappear and you will have to do something else until they appear again.
These are many small complaints but the overall game makes up for them. Thats way Lego Batman 2 DC super hero's gets a 8.5
Joker and lex team up. Lex Luther's gun can take apart Lego pieces.
You can drive around Gotham
first mission
Please comment on this and older posts! Hopefully we will have a gameplay video up soon.
Yes .its a good game but I notice a few problem with finding the guys in the game.One time I found a guy by just truning around a few time and he was there.
ReplyDeleteThe same thing happened to me. I spent about a hour looking for Brainiac in the park. I finally gave up and turn off my ps3. When i played a little later, he was there!
ReplyDeleteI do hope they add more people!
ReplyDeleteThey just came out with 5 heros and 5 villian DLC pack. There is Nightwing, Shazam, Katana & Zatanna. For villians there are Captain Cold, Black Manta, Black Adam, Bizarro & Gorilla Grodd
DeleteThey done a good job with doing the voice acting,Lego games always could do a story without any vocies.Its good to see them changing the game up.The only Lego game I didn't like was the Harry Potter game.
ReplyDeleteGood but how do this game stack up against Batman :Arkem city?Which one shoulde I get?
ReplyDeleteBatman Arkham city for sure but if you just want to have some silly fun then this one. They have demos for both games if you want to check them out