Friday, May 25, 2012

Thanks for the ones who took the time to comment

It take time to do the caps and upload a video and photos to the site which at times don't work right/At time I have to try to upload video manytimes before the site get it.Oh well here is a photo for a new game,Released date next years 2013!
To Mr. Bill thank you for stick with US!!!WE LOVE YOU MR BILL!!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!LOL!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!LOL!!!


  1. The Call Of Duty Guy!May 26, 2012 at 2:18 AM

    You are so crazy! What a nut!! A good NUT! Anyone that liks video games is OK with me even a nuty video game player!

  2. They are just crazy about video games

  3. I like crazy.What is yours gamertag?Maybe we was playing some video games online.

  4. I don't know what to said about this?? But I do enjoy yours site. I Love You Too ALBERTO and and YOURS HELPER! For yours wonderful site

  5. There is nothing wrong with being crazy as long as you only kill peoples in video game.

  6. Another crazy personJune 3, 2012 at 2:05 PM

    I like that you are nuts about video games.

  7. If you guy like Uncharted 3 and AC and Bishock and RE games and Battlefield.Than I love yours crazies.Which one is the Crazies,you or your helper?
